My first academic publication


Hello Friends,

I am happy to share that I have published my very first academic publication – a research paper.

As part of my Ph.D programme I enrolled in January, I am required to publish research papers to build my research & academic writing skills. 

As a start, I participated in a National Seminar on “Social Marketing” in Institute of Management in Kerala, Trivandrum on 14th & 15th March and presented my research paper titled “Social marketing intervention as a cure for non-communicable diseases in select rural villages of Krishnagiri district“.

The paper got published in their print Journal “Management Innovator” – ISSN No.0974-6749 (Page.No 135). Also I was given the “Best Paper Award” along with a trophy and cash reward. That was encouraging and a good learning experience. Learning from Toastmasters came in handy.

For those who are interested in reading the same, please click here. Looking forward to get your feedback, suggestions and comments.

Written by senthiljee
P.B. Senthil Kumar is an Experienced Digital Marketer who exploits growth marketing practices using Digital Marketing techniques and help businesses attain desired revenue goals.