Meeting with Mr. RV Rajan, an Industry veteran

Meeting with RV Rajan - Senthiljee

What started with a normal email exchange, resulted in a personal meeting with lot of interesting and informative exchange yesterday!

I met with Mr. RV. Rajan – Chairman of Anugrah-Madison Advertising, Chennai who is a veteran of Advertising business in rural marketing for more than 40+ years.

Aged 72 plus, he is still living an eventful life with diverse interests and activities who is certainly an inspiration for many. After successfully handing over his commercial interests, he continues his contribution to the society in the form of 

  • Books – His autobiography, quick guide to rural marketing, stories etc.
  • Blogs – An interesting sequence of writings
  • And lectures on Rural marketing to multiple institutions and corporations.

We had an engaged discussion for more than 1:30 hours during which he had shared moments from his rich experience. Most of all, he shared an important formula for success. That is “…have one dream and start chasing it like a mad man…!” How inspiring is that.

This was the first time I met an author of a Book in person. I feel inspired, understood how important it is to meet senior professionals in the industry and how easy is to take life lessons from them.

Will keep sharing! As usual, looking forward to your comments and feedback.

Written by senthiljee
P.B. Senthil Kumar is an Experienced Digital Marketer who exploits growth marketing practices using Digital Marketing techniques and help businesses attain desired revenue goals.