Why Thanksgiving Day has become an integral ceremony in India?

thanksgiving day india celebration festival - senthiljee.com

Holiday, Feast, Memories!

A whopping number of 3.4 Million Indians living in the United States alone get the Day Off to increasingly connect with friends, select colleagues, neighbors and more importantly to greet families back home for their continued moral support. It is a festive day for Indians in India as well.

Regardless of the choice of food among Vegetarians or non-vegetarians, they are known to lavishly prepare enormous food recipes for families, guests and neighbours. World famous spicy Curries, Chutney, Tikkas, Parathas, Briyani, Paniyaram, Roti, Gulab Jamoon, Desserts etc. are omnipresent.

Bollywood theme based Karaokes, Cards, glimpsing to Family photo albums or hours long Skype calls to distant families are another important scene post the feast. This is remarkable as Indians by design are used to live in tightly knit families with extended family ecosystem.

I Thank @Raja KM, @SriDevi Muthusamy, @Navaneetham Selvadurai @Santhamani Marappan @Ajeeth Kumar @Anish Sasidharan and @Madhumathi Yogeshwaran who live in Great Britain and being part of our extended family, bringing us smiles, when we recall good memories shared together. Happy Thanksgiving!

Beyond professional boundaries

Including me and so many others in India work for US based MNCs. After an initial brief personal introduction to our stakeholders for the first time we get to connect, work continues to go on for years without having time for sharing about life beyond corporate boundaries.

Ceremonies like #Thanksgiving offer that chance to greet our stakeholders regardless of professional hierarchies and Thank them for however exciting or miserable they have made our lives, get to know their celebration plans and later a glimpse of how did it go.

I am Thankful for @Martha Mealy, @Michael Monday, @Jared Bengtson, @Sunil Hiranniah, @John Flavin and @Bharath Sritharan who live in North America as colleagues, mentors and friends forever helping me learn and excel in my career. I truly respect that and looking forward to learn more about your Thanksgiving Day celebrations. Happy Thanksgiving!

Black Friday/Cyber Monday

From ancient days, Indians purchase a lot and if there are discounts, then there is no second thought about it! I have heard stories from Indians who plan their vacation in US during just for Thanksgiving Weekend to People who dictate mile-long purchasing lists over the phone from India to buy in United States. It would be exciting to read community wise shopping results post this crazy weekend. Indian e-commerce industry is doing plenty of mega deal days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday and make it happen almost every other weekend. However companies like eBay are opening up Global Thanksgiving Deals via Global Easy Buy upon understanding the buying potential in our region. I am sure they won’t be disappointed. We are game for expanding our collections!

Written by senthiljee
P.B. Senthil Kumar is an Experienced Digital Marketer who exploits growth marketing practices using Digital Marketing techniques and help businesses attain desired revenue goals.